Wanda Packaging Shop Terms

1. The agreement

The agreement between buyer and seller consists of the information the seller provides about the purchase in the order solution in the online store (including information about the item's nature, quantity, quality, other properties, price and delivery conditions), any direct correspondence between the parties (eg e-mail) as well as these terms of sale. In the event of a conflict between the information provided by the seller about the purchase in the order solution in the online store, direct correspondence between the parties and the terms of the terms of sale, direct correspondence between the parties and the information given in the order solution precedes the terms of sale. The agreement is binding on both parties when the buyer's order is received by the seller. However, one party is not bound by the agreement if there have been typing or typing errors in the offer from the seller in the ordering solution in the online store or in the buyer's order, and the other party realized or should have realized that such an error existed. To shop in our online store, you must be 18 years of age or older.

2. Parties


Norway: Wanda Group AS (Norway), Akershusstranda 19, 0150 Oslo, org number: 921 245 300, Phone number: 22 300 600.

Sweden: Wanda Sweden AB, Box 1703, 111 87  Stockholm, org number: 559262-3044, Phone number:+468444 76 69

The buyer is the person who places the order.

3. Order confirmation

When we receive your order, we will confirm the order and automatically send you an order confirmation. Carefully read the order confirmation when you receive it, and check if the order confirmation is in accordance with the order. It is recommended that the buyer checks that the order confirmation matches the order in terms of quantity, item type, price, etc. If there is no correspondence between the order and the order confirmation, the buyer should contact the seller as soon as possible.

Wanda has the right to reject placed order. In these cases the customer will be refunded.

4. Prices

All prices in the online store are stated in Norwegian kroner in Norway and Swedish kroner in Sweden and include VAT. Information about the total costs the buyer must pay, including all taxes (VAT, customs and the like) and delivery costs (shipping, postage, invoice fee, packaging, etc.) as well as specification of the individual elements in the total price, is given in the order summary before ordering.

5. Payment

We accept VISA or Mastercard as payment. We use Stripe as our payment provider.

6. The risk of the item

The risk for the item passes to the buyer when the thing is taken over by the buyer in accordance with the agreement. If the delivery time has come and the buyer fails to take over an item that is made available to him or her under the agreement, the buyer still has the risk of loss or damage due to properties of the item itself.

7. Right of withdrawal

The buyer may regret the purchase of the item in accordance with regulations in Sweden and Norway.

7.1 Cancellation of the order and return of goods

You as a consumer have the right to cancel your purchase within 14 days after you received the goods. The right of withdrawal applies if the item and the original packaging are in unchanged condition when it is returned. The item can be returned to our return center in Oslo or Stockholm accordingly. Please contact hello@wanda.space for information to about our return center. If you want to get money back in connection with a return, this is done through our payment provider Stripe The refund will normally be made within 5-10 days after we have received and verified your return.

8. Examination of the item

When the buyer receives the item, it is recommended that he or she to a reasonable extent check whether it is in accordance with the order, whether it has been damaged during transport or whether it otherwise has defects. If the item does not match the order or has defects, the buyer must notify the seller in the event of a complaint, cf. section 10 of the contract.

9. Complaints

Complaints in case of defect and deadline for reporting claims in case of delay.

If there is a defect  on the item, the buyer must, within a reasonable time after he or she discovered it, notify the seller that he or she will invoke the defect. The time limit can never be shorter than two months from the time when the consumer discovered the defect. Complaints must still be made no later than two years after the buyer took over the item. If the item or parts of it are intended to last significantly longer, the complaint period is five years. In the event of a delay, claims must be made to the seller within a reasonable time after the delivery time has come and the item has not been delivered. If the item is paid for with a credit card, the buyer can also choose to complain and send claims directly to the credit provider (the credit card company). The message to the seller or creditor should be in writing (email or letter).

10. Buyer's rights in case of delay

If the seller does not deliver the goods or delivers them too late in accordance with the agreement between the parties, and this is not due to the buyer or conditions on the buyer's side, the buyer may claim compensation from the seller. Fulfillment: If the seller does not deliver the item at the time of delivery, the buyer can maintain the purchase and set a reasonable additional deadline for fulfillment from the seller. However, the buyer can not demand fulfillment if there is an obstacle that the seller can not overcome or if fulfillment will entail such a great inconvenience or cost for the seller that it is significantly disproportionate to the buyer's interest in the seller fulfilling. If the difficulties disappear within a reasonable time, the consumer can demand fulfillment. Cancellation: The buyer may terminate the agreement with the seller if the delay is significant or if the seller does not deliver the goods within the additional deadline for fulfillment set by the buyer. However, the buyer can not cancel the agreement while the additional deadline runs, unless the seller has said that he or she will not fulfill within the deadline. Compensation: The buyer may further claim compensation for loss he or she suffers as a result of the delay on the part of the seller. The buyer must report a claim to the seller in the event of a complaint, cf. section 11 of this contract.

11. Buyer's rights in the event of a defect

If the item has a defect and this is not due to the buyer or conditions on the buyer's side, the buyer can choose between correction and re-delivery, demand price reduction, demand the agreement terminated and compensation from the seller. Correction or re-delivery: If the item has a defect, the buyer can demand that the seller correct the defect or re-deliver the corresponding item. The seller may oppose the buyer's claim if the execution of the claim is impossible or the seller causes unreasonable costs. The seller must make the correction or replacement within a reasonable time. Correction or re-delivery shall be made at no cost to the buyer, without risk that the buyer will not be reimbursed for his expenses and without significant inconvenience to the buyer. The seller may not make more than two attempts at rectification or re-delivery for the same defect, unless there are special reasons that make further attempts reasonable. Although the buyer does not require correction or replacement, the seller can offer correction or replacement if this happens without delay. If the seller provides for such correction or re-delivery, the buyer can not demand a price reduction or cancellation. Price reduction: If the defect is not corrected or re-delivered, the buyer can demand a proportionate price reduction. Cancellation: Instead of a price reduction, the buyer can cancel the agreement, except when the defect is insignificant. Compensation: The buyer can also claim compensation for financial loss he or she suffers as a result of the item having a defect. The buyer must report a claim to the seller in the event of a complaint, cf. and regardless of, the rules on the right of withdrawal and any guarantees provided by the seller.

12. Seller's rights in the event of the buyer's default

If the buyer does not pay or fulfill the other obligations under the agreement, and this is not due to the seller or circumstances on the seller's part, the seller may withhold the item, demand fulfillment of the agreement, demand termination of the agreement and compensation from the buyer. The seller may also, depending on the circumstances, be able to claim interest in the event of late payment, collection fees and fees for non-prepaid uncollected goods. Fulfillment: If the buyer does not pay, the seller can maintain the purchase and demand that the buyer pays the purchase price (fulfillment). If the item is not delivered, the seller loses his right if he waits unreasonably long to advance the claim. Termination: In the event of a material default or other material default by the buyer, the seller may terminate the agreement. However, the seller can not withdraw after the purchase price has been paid. The seller can also cancel the purchase if the buyer does not pay within a reasonable additional deadline for fulfillment set by the seller. However, the seller can not withdraw while the additional deadline runs, unless the buyer has said that he or she will not pay. Compensation: The seller can demand compensation from the buyer for financial loss he or she suffers as a result of breach of contract by the buyer.

13. Conflict resolution

Terms are govern by Norwegian or Swedish Law respectively.

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